Fade2D Documentation pages v2.16.8
Delaunay Features
Deprecated List
Deprecated in favor of ConstraintGraph2::makeDelaunay()
Deprecated in favor of ConstraintGraph2::makeDelaunay()
Member GEOM_FADE2D::Fade_2D::applyConstraintsAndZones ()
The present function applyConstraintsAndZones() as well as the two constraint insertion strategies CIS_CONFORMING_DELAUNAY and CIS_CONFORMING_DELAUNAY_SEGMENT_LEVEL are deprecated. These are only kept for backwards compatibilty. The replacement is CIS_CONSTRAINED_DELAUNAY along with the methods Fade_2D::drape() and/or ConstraintGraph2::makeDelaunay(). See the example code in examples_25D/terrain.cpp
Member GEOM_FADE2D::Fade_2D::createZone_cookieCutter (std::vector< Segment2 > &vSegments, bool bProtectEdges)
This method is deprecated. It works as expected, but does not support zones with holes. To avoid behavioral changes, this method is left unchanged and has been deprecated in favor of the new method Fade_2D::createZone_cookieCutter2(), which allows for zones with holes, is faster, and provides improved numerical accuracy.
Member GEOM_FADE2D::Fade_2D::createZone_cookieCutter (std::vector< Segment2 > &vSegments, bool bProtectEdges, ConstraintGraph2 *&pProtectedEdgesCG, ConstraintGraph2 *&pBoundaryCG)
This method is deprecated. It works as expected, but does not support zones with holes. To avoid behavioral changes, this method is left unchanged and has been deprecated in favor of the new method Fade_2D::createZone_cookieCutter2(), which allows for zones with holes, is faster, and provides improved numerical accuracy.
Member GEOM_FADE2D::Fade_2D::importTriangles (std::vector< Point2 > &vPoints, bool bReorientIfNeeded, bool bCreateExtendedBoundingBox)
Using this older version of the method is only recommended if you are certain that your input triangulation is 100% correct. If there is any possibility that the input points have been rounded (e.g., due to conversion from 64-bit to 32-bit precision or simply because they were parsed from an ASCII file), you should use the robust version, importTriangles_robust(), instead.
Member GEOM_FADE2D::Fade_2D::setNumCPU (int numCPU)
Use setGlobalNumCPU() instead. This method is kept for backward compatibility. It internally forwards the call to setGlobalNumCPU().
Member GEOM_FADE2D::fillHole (const std::vector< std::pair< Segment2, Vector2 > > &vPolygonSegments, bool bWithRefine, bool bVerbose, std::vector< Point2 > &vCornersOut)
This function was experimental and is now deprecated because 3D point cloud meshing has been moved to the WOF library.
Member GEOM_FADE2D::offsetPolygonPoints (double offset, const std::vector< Point2 > &vOrgPoints, std::vector< Point2 > &vOffsetPoints, double maxCorrectionFactor=1.0)
This function is deprecated in favor of Zone2::getOffsetBoundary() which will also resolve self-intersections. Do not use this function anymore!
Member GEOM_FADE2D::untwistPolygon (std::vector< Segment2 > &vPolygon, std::vector< std::vector< Segment2 > > &vvPolygon)
This function is deprecated but retained for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use the PolygonClipper class instead, which offers greater versatility and robustness.
Class GEOM_FADE2D::UserPredicateT
This class is deprecated in favor of PeelPredicateTS. It is kept for backwards compatibility.
Member GEOM_FADE2D::Zone2::peelOffIf (Zone2 *pZone, UserPredicateT *pPredicate, bool bVerbose)
This function is DEPRECATED but kept for backwards compatibility. Use the new and better function peelOffIf(Zone2* pZone, bool bAvoidSplit,PeelPredicateTS* pPredicate)