29 namespace GEOM_FADE25D {
31 namespace GEOM_FADE2D {
33 #error GEOM_PSEUDO3D is not defined
38 class ConstraintSegment2;
62 std::vector<ConstraintSegment2*>& vCSegments,
70 std::vector<ConstraintSegment2*>& vCSegments_,
71 std::map<std::pair<Point2*,Point2*>,
bool > mPPReverse,
76 void init(std::vector<ConstraintSegment2*>& vCSegments_);
230 void updateSplittedConstraintSegment(
252 void getAliveConstraintChain(std::vector<ConstraintSegment2*>& vAliveCSeg) ;
254 void setDirectionsRecursive(
const std::vector<ConstraintSegment2*>& vCSegments);
292 bool checkAndSortPolygon(std::vector<ConstraintSegment2*>& vCSegments_);
294 bool checkAndSortPolygonSub(std::vector<ConstraintSegment2*>& vCSegments);
296 void makeSelfOwner(std::vector<ConstraintSegment2*>& vCSeg);
300 GeomTest* pGeomPredicates;
302 std::vector<ConstraintSegment2*> vCSegParents;
304 std::map<ConstraintSegment2*,bool,func_ltDerefPtr<ConstraintSegment2*> > mCSegReverse;
305 std::map<Point2*,size_t> mSplitPointNum;
Enum defining the available strategies for inserting constraints.
Definition: ConstraintSegment2.h:44
Color for visualization.
Definition: Color.h:61
A constraint graph is a collection of constraint edges (ConstraintSegment2).
Definition: ConstraintGraph2.h:56
CLASS_DECLSPEC ConstraintInsertionStrategy getInsertionStrategy() const
Gets the constraint insertion strategy.
CLASS_DECLSPEC void show(const char *name)
Visualizes the ConstraintGraph2 as a PostScript or PDF file.
CLASS_DECLSPEC bool isPolygon() const
Checks if the constraint graph forms a closed polygon.
CLASS_DECLSPEC bool makeDelaunay(double minLength)
Improves the triangle quality (makes Delaunay).
CLASS_DECLSPEC void getChildConstraintSegments(std::vector< ConstraintSegment2 * > &vConstraintSegments_) const
Get the current ConstraintSegment2 objects.
CLASS_DECLSPEC void getOriginalConstraintSegments(std::vector< ConstraintSegment2 * > &vConstraintSegments_) const
Gets the original ConstraintSegment2 objects.
CLASS_DECLSPEC void getPolygonVertices(std::vector< Point2 * > &vVertices)
Retrieves the vertices of the constraint segments.
CLASS_DECLSPEC void show(Visualizer2 *pVis, const Color &color)
Visualizes the ConstraintGraph2 as a PostScript or PDF file.
CLASS_DECLSPEC bool isConstraint(ConstraintSegment2 *pCSeg) const
Checks if a ConstraintSegment2 is part of the current ConstraintGraph2.
CLASS_DECLSPEC bool isConstraint(Point2 *p0, Point2 *p1) const
Check if an edge is a ConstraintSegment2 of the current ConstraintGraph2.
CLASS_DECLSPEC void getDirectChildren(ConstraintSegment2 *pParent, ConstraintSegment2 *&pChild0, ConstraintSegment2 *&pChild1)
Get the direct children of a ConstraintSegment2.
CLASS_DECLSPEC bool isReverse(ConstraintSegment2 *pCSeg) const
Get the orientation of a ConstraintSegment2.
CLASS_DECLSPEC bool isOriented() const
Checks if the segments of the ConstraintGraph2 are oriented.
A ConstraintSegment2 represents a constraint edge between two vertices of a Delaunay triangulation.
Definition: ConstraintSegment2.h:71
Represents a 2.5D point.
Definition: Point2.h:61
A PDF and Postscript Writer for 2D Visualization.
Definition: Visualizer2.h:60