Fade2D Documentation pages v2.14
Delaunay Features
GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker Class Reference

SegmentChecker identifies intersecting line segments. More...

#include <SegmentChecker.h>

Public Member Functions

 SegmentChecker (const std::vector< Segment2 * > &vSegments_)
ClipResult clipSegment (Segment2 &seg)
void getIllegalSegments (bool bAlsoEndPointIntersections, std::vector< Segment2 * > &vIllegalSegmentsOut) const
int getIndex (Segment2 *pSeg) const
void getIntersectionPoint (SegmentIntersectionType typ, const Segment2 &seg0, const Segment2 &seg1, Point2 &ispOut) const
void getIntersectionSegment (const Segment2 &seg0, const Segment2 &seg1, Segment2 &issOut) const
SegmentIntersectionType getIntersectionType (const Segment2 *pSeg1, const Segment2 *pSeg2) const
void getIntersectors (Segment2 *pTestSegment, bool bAlsoEndPointIntersections, std::vector< std::pair< Segment2 *, SegmentIntersectionType > > &vIntersectorsOut) const
Bbox2 getLimit () const
size_t getNumberOfSegments () const
Segment2getSegment (size_t i) const
void setLimit (const Bbox2 &bbx)
void showIllegalSegments (bool bAlsoEndPointIntersections, const char *name) const
void showSegments (const char *name) const
void subscribe (MsgType msgType, MsgBase *pMsg)
void unsubscribe (MsgType msgType, MsgBase *pMsg)

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * getIntersectionTypeString (SegmentIntersectionType sit)

Detailed Description

SegmentChecker identifies intersecting line segments.

SegmentChecker takes a bunch of line segments and fully automatically identifies illegal segment intersections. The intersection points can be computed in 2D and in 2.5D. Further this class offers visualization methods. Due to the underlying datastructure the search algorithm scales very well to large inputs.

Polylines: Intersecting segments are automatically found
See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SegmentChecker()

GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::SegmentChecker ( const std::vector< Segment2 * > &  vSegments_)

Internally this constructor prepares a data structure from vSegments that enables efficient spatial searches. The time complexity is O(n*log(n)).

vSegments_contains the segments to be checked

Member Function Documentation

◆ clipSegment()

ClipResult GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::clipSegment ( Segment2 seg)

Clip Segment

Use this method to limit the length of a line-segment to its intersection with a box. The result can be the whole segment, a subsegment, a degenerate segment or the result can be empty. In the last case the segment is not changed but the method returns CR_EMPTY.

[in,out]segis the line segment to be clipped
In case that you missed to call setLimit() with a valid bounding box before, the method returns CR_INVALID };

◆ getIllegalSegments()

void GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::getIllegalSegments ( bool  bAlsoEndPointIntersections,
std::vector< Segment2 * > &  vIllegalSegmentsOut 
) const

Get illegal segments

Returns segments which are involved in intersections. Intersections at endpoints are only reported when bAlsoEndPointIntersections is true. The asymptotic time consumption for the lookup per segment S is O(log(n)+k) where k is the number of segments that intersect the minimal bounding box of S. Thus, for n segments the method takes O(n*(log(n)+k)) time.

Segment intersections: (1) Non-collinear, (2) collinear, (3) duplicate segments, (4) endpoint intersection
bAlsoEndPointIntersectionsspecifies if intersections at endpoints shall be detected
[out]vIllegalSegmentsOutis the output vector

◆ getIndex()

int GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::getIndex ( Segment2 pSeg) const

Returns the index of a segment

pSegis the segment whose index is returned

◆ getIntersectionPoint()

void GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::getIntersectionPoint ( SegmentIntersectionType  typ,
const Segment2 seg0,
const Segment2 seg1,
Point2 ispOut 
) const

Compute the intersection point of two segments

Use getIntersectionType() to determine the segment intersection type sit.

typis the intersection type (SIT_POINT or SIT_ENDPOINT for the present method)
seg0,seg1are the intersecting segments
[out]ispOutis the output intersection point.
pSeg1 and pSeg2 do not need to be from the set that has been used to initialize the SegmentChecker.

◆ getIntersectionSegment()

void GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::getIntersectionSegment ( const Segment2 seg0,
const Segment2 seg1,
Segment2 issOut 
) const

Computes the intersection segment of two collinear intersecting segments

seg0,seg1are intersecting segments such that their SegmentIntersectionType is SIT_SEGMENT
[out]issOutis the computed intersection of seg0 and seg1
pSeg1 and pSeg2 do not need to be from the set that has been used to initialize the present object

◆ getIntersectionType()

SegmentIntersectionType GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::getIntersectionType ( const Segment2 pSeg1,
const Segment2 pSeg2 
) const

Get the intersection type of two segments

pSeg1,pSeg2are the segments to be checked
SIT_NONE (no intersection),
SIT_SEGMENT (collinear intersection),
SIT_POINT (intersection somewhere between the endpoints) or
SIT_ENDPOINT (endpoint intersection)
pSeg1 and pSeg2 do not need to be from the set that has been used to initialize the present object

◆ getIntersectionTypeString()

static const char* GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::getIntersectionTypeString ( SegmentIntersectionType  sit)

Return the intersection type as a human readable string. This is a convenience function

sitis an intersection type to be converted to a string

◆ getIntersectors()

void GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::getIntersectors ( Segment2 pTestSegment,
bool  bAlsoEndPointIntersections,
std::vector< std::pair< Segment2 *, SegmentIntersectionType > > &  vIntersectorsOut 
) const

Return segments that intersect a certain segment along with their intersection type

pTestSegmentis the segment to be analyzed
bAlsoEndPointIntersectionsspecifies if intersections of type SIT_ENDPOINT shall also be reported.
[out]vIntersectorsOutis the output vector. Segments intersecting pTestSegment are added to vIntersectorsOut along with their intersection type.
When vIntersectorsOut is non-empty, it is not cleared but the intersected segments are added.

The time complexity is O(log(n)+k) where n is the number of segments and k is the number of intersections for pTestSegment.

◆ getLimit()

Bbox2 GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::getLimit ( ) const

Get Limit

the bounding box that has been set before using setLimit()

◆ getNumberOfSegments()

size_t GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::getNumberOfSegments ( ) const

Returns the number of segments contained in this SegmentChecker object

◆ getSegment()

Segment2* GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::getSegment ( size_t  i) const

Returns the i-th segment

iis the index of the segment to be returned

◆ setLimit()

void GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::setLimit ( const Bbox2 bbx)

Set Limit

Sets the bounding box bbx that is used by clipSegment() to limit the length of a line segment

◆ showIllegalSegments()

void GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::showIllegalSegments ( bool  bAlsoEndPointIntersections,
const char *  name 
) const

Write a postscript file, highlight illegal segments

bAlsoEndPointIntersectionsspecifies if intersections at endpoints are also illegal
nameis the output filename
Visualization of polyline intersections

◆ showSegments()

void GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::showSegments ( const char *  name) const

Write all segments, with and without intersection, to a postscript file

nameis the output filename
Line segments written to a postscript file

◆ subscribe()

void GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::subscribe ( MsgType  msgType,
MsgBase pMsg 

Register a progress bar object

The SegmentChecker does its job typically in fractions of a second. But inputs may contain a quadratic number of intersections and such tasks take a while. Therefore a user defined message object (your own progress-bar class) can be registered in order to get progress updates. This step is optional.

msgTypeis the message type. For progress information the type is always MSG_PROGRESS
pMsgis a user defined progress bar which derives from Fade's MsgBase.

◆ unsubscribe()

void GEOM_FADE2D::SegmentChecker::unsubscribe ( MsgType  msgType,
MsgBase pMsg 

Unregister a progress bar object

msgTypeis the message type. For progress information the type is always MSG_PROGRESS
pMsgis a user defined class which derives from Fade's MsgBase

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