Fade2D Documentation pages v2.15
Delaunay Features
freeFunctions.h File Reference
#include "Point2.h"
#include "Segment2.h"
#include "Edge2.h"
#include <vector>

Go to the source code of this file.


void GEOM_FADE2D::edgesToPolygons (const std::vector< Edge2 > &vEdgesIn, std::vector< std::vector< Edge2 > > &vvPolygonsOut, std::vector< Edge2 > &vRemainingOut)
 Create polygons from a set of edges. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::fillHole (const std::vector< std::pair< Segment2, Vector2 > > &vPolygonSegments, bool bWithRefine, bool bVerbose, std::vector< Point2 > &vCornersOut)
 Fill a hole in a 3D mesh with triangles (deprecated) More...
double GEOM_FADE2D::getArea2D (const Point2 *p0, const Point2 *p1, const Point2 *p2)
 Get 2D area of a triangle. More...
void GEOM_FADE2D::getBorders (const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &vT, std::vector< Segment2 > &vBorderSegmentsOut)
 Get Borders. More...
void GEOM_FADE2D::getConnectedComponents (const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &vT, std::vector< std::vector< Triangle2 * > > &vvT)
 Get connected components. More...
void GEOM_FADE2D::getDirectedEdges (const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &vT, std::vector< Edge2 > &vDirectedEdgesOut)
 Get directed edges The directed edges of vT are returned in vDirectedEdgesOut. Directed means that each edge (a,b) with two adjacent triangles in vT is returned twice, as edge(a,b) and edge(b,a).
const char * GEOM_FADE2D::getFade2DVersion ()
 Get the Fade2D version string.
int GEOM_FADE2D::getGlobalNumCPU ()
 Get the global number of threads to be used. More...
int GEOM_FADE2D::getMajorVersionNumber ()
 Get the major version number.
int GEOM_FADE2D::getMinorVersionNumber ()
 Get the minor version number.
Orientation2 GEOM_FADE2D::getOrientation2 (const Point2 *p0, const Point2 *p1, const Point2 *p2)
 Get the orientation of three points. More...
Orientation2 GEOM_FADE2D::getOrientation2_mt (const Point2 *p0, const Point2 *p1, const Point2 *p2)
 Get Orientation2 (MT) More...
int GEOM_FADE2D::getRevisionNumber ()
 Get the revision version number.
void GEOM_FADE2D::getSortedBoundaryPolygons (std::vector< Triangle2 * > &vConnectedComponent, std::vector< Edge2 > &vOutsidePolygon, std::vector< std::vector< Edge2 > > &vHolePolygons)
 Get sorted boundary polygons. More...
void GEOM_FADE2D::getUndirectedEdges (const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &vT, std::vector< Edge2 > &vUndirectedEdgesOut)
 Get undirected edges. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::isRelease ()
 Check if a RELEASE or a DEBUG version is used.
bool GEOM_FADE2D::isSimplePolygon (std::vector< Segment2 > &vSegments)
 isSimplePolygon More...
void GEOM_FADE2D::offsetPolygonPoints (double offset, const std::vector< Point2 > &vOrgPoints, std::vector< Point2 > &vOffsetPoints, double maxCorrectionFactor=1.0)
 ‍** More...
void GEOM_FADE2D::pointsToPolyline (std::vector< Point2 > &vInPoints, bool bClose, std::vector< Segment2 > &vOutSegments)
 Points-to-Polyline. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::readPointsBIN (const char *filename, std::vector< Point2 > &vPointsIn, bool bWithHeader=true)
 Read points from a binary file. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::readPointsPLY (const char *filename, bool bUniquePoints, std::vector< Point2 > &vPoints, std::vector< VtxColor > *pVertexColors=NULL)
 Read points from a *.PLY file. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::readPointsPLY (std::istream &is, bool bUniquePoints, std::vector< Point2 > &vPoints, std::vector< VtxColor > *pVertexColors=NULL)
 Read points from a *.PLY file. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::readSegmentsBIN (const char *filename, std::vector< Segment2 > &vSegmentsOut)
 Read segments from a binary file. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::readXY (const char *filename, std::vector< Point2 > &vPointsOut)
 Read (x y) points. More...
int GEOM_FADE2D::setGlobalNumCPU (int numCPU)
 Set the global number of threads to be used. More...
void GEOM_FADE2D::simplifyPolygon (const std::vector< Point2 > &vIn, double errBound, std::vector< Point2 > &vOut)
 Simplify a polygon. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::sortRing (std::vector< Segment2 > &vRing)
 Sort a vector of Segments. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::sortRingCCW (std::vector< Segment2 > &vRing)
 Sort a vector of Segments. More...
void GEOM_FADE2D::untwistPolygon (std::vector< Segment2 > &vPolygon, std::vector< std::vector< Segment2 > > &vvPolygon)
 Repair a selfintersecting polygon. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::writePointsASCII (const char *filename, const std::vector< Point2 * > &vPointsIn)
 Write points to an ASCII file. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::writePointsASCII (const char *filename, const std::vector< Point2 > &vPointsIn)
 Write points to an ASCII file. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::writePointsBIN (const char *filename, std::vector< Point2 * > &vPoints)
 Write points to a binary file. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::writePointsBIN (const char *filename, std::vector< Point2 > &vPoints)
 Write points to a binary file. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::writePointsPLY (const char *filename, std::vector< Point2 * > &vPoints, bool bASCII)
 Write points to a *.PLY file. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::writePointsPLY (std::ostream &os, std::vector< Point2 * > &vPoints, bool bASCII)
 Write points to a *.PLY file. More...
bool GEOM_FADE2D::writeSegmentsBIN (const char *filename, std::vector< Segment2 > &vSegmentsIn)
 Write segments to a binary file. More...

Function Documentation

◆ getGlobalNumCPU()

int GEOM_FADE2D::getGlobalNumCPU ( )

Get the global number of threads to be used.

Fade is by default single-threaded to avoid nested multithreading when Fade runs in multiple threads of your application but you can change the number of threads using setGlobalNumCPU()

◆ getSortedBoundaryPolygons()

void GEOM_FADE2D::getSortedBoundaryPolygons ( std::vector< Triangle2 * > &  vConnectedComponent,
std::vector< Edge2 > &  vOutsidePolygon,
std::vector< std::vector< Edge2 > > &  vHolePolygons 

Get sorted boundary polygons.

This function takes ONE connected component of triangles. It returns the outer polygon as well as the inner hole polygons if any.

[in]vConnectedComponentis a connected component of triangles where the term "connected" means adjacency on edges. It is important that just one connected component is passed!
[out]vOutsidePolygonis the outside boundary of the connected component.
[out]vHolePolygonscontains the hole polygons (if any)

Edges in output polygons are sorted and CCW-oriented with respect to their triangle. Thus the outer polygon is always CCW oriented and holes are always CW oriented. This is sometimes a useful property.

Pass only one connected component.

◆ offsetPolygonPoints()

void GEOM_FADE2D::offsetPolygonPoints ( double  offset,
const std::vector< Point2 > &  vOrgPoints,
std::vector< Point2 > &  vOffsetPoints,
double  maxCorrectionFactor = 1.0 


Create an offet polygon

◆ setGlobalNumCPU()

int GEOM_FADE2D::setGlobalNumCPU ( int  numCPU)

Set the global number of threads to be used.

numCPUis the number of CPU cores to be used and is 0 (means autodetect) or greater.
the number of CPU cores that will be used
Fade is by default single-threaded to avoid nested multithreading when Fade runs in multiple threads of your application.


  • For technical reasons you should insert points into a triangulation before you insert constraint segments. Then the algorithm can fully benefit from multithreading.
  • Fade continues support for very old compilers but multithreading is not available for VS2010 and CentOS6.4 library versions.

◆ simplifyPolygon()

void GEOM_FADE2D::simplifyPolygon ( const std::vector< Point2 > &  vIn,
double  errBound,
std::vector< Point2 > &  vOut 

Simplify a polygon.

This function simplifies the input polygon based on the specified geometric error.

[in]vInspecifies the input polygon to be simplified.
[in]errBoundbounds the maximum geometric error.
[out]vOutthe simplified output polygon.

◆ untwistPolygon()

void GEOM_FADE2D::untwistPolygon ( std::vector< Segment2 > &  vPolygon,
std::vector< std::vector< Segment2 > > &  vvPolygon 

Repair a selfintersecting polygon.

vPolygon[in] The input polygon, no specific order and orientation
vvPolygon[out] One or more output polygons, free of selfintersections, counterclockwise oriented