Geom Software - C++ Programming and Geometry Libraries
WOF Documentation pages v1.17
File I/O

IO functions. More...


enum  GEOM_WOF::FileType {
 Filetype. More...


FileType GEOM_WOF::getFileType (const std::string &filename)
 Get File Type. More...
bool GEOM_WOF::writePoints_ASCII (const char *filename, const std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints)
 Write points to an ASCII file. More...
bool GEOM_WOF::writePoints_BIN (const char *filename, std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints)
 Write points to a binary file. More...
bool GEOM_WOF::readPly (const char *filename, bool bReadPoints, std::vector< Point3 > &vPointsOut)
 Write points to a *.ply file. More...
bool GEOM_WOF::writePointsPly (const std::string &filename, std::vector< GEOM_WOF::Point3 > &vPoints, bool bASCII)
bool GEOM_WOF::readPoints_ASCII (const char *filename, std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints)
 Read points from an ASCII file. More...
bool GEOM_WOF::readPoints_BIN (const char *filename, std::vector< Point3 > &vPointsOut)
 Read points from a binary file. More...
bool GEOM_WOF::readSTL_ASCII (const char *filename, std::vector< Point3 > &vTriangleCorners)
 Read a mesh from ASCII STL. More...
bool GEOM_WOF::readPoints_auto (std::string &inFilename, std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints)
 Read points from a file (automatic detection) More...
bool GEOM_WOF::writePoints_auto (std::string &outFilename, std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints, bool bASCII)
 Write points to a file. More...
bool GEOM_WOF::writeMesh_auto (const std::string &filename, std::shared_ptr< Mesh > pMesh, bool bASCII)
 Write mesh to a file. More...

Detailed Description

Read/Write functions for point clouds and triangle meshes.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FileType


FileType STL based on the filename extension [.stl].


FileType PLY based on the filename extension [.ply].


FileType XYZ based on the filename extensions [.xyz|.txt|.asc].


FileType BIN based on the filename extension [.bin].


FileType LIST based on the filename extension [.list].


FileType UNKNOWN for unknown extensions.

Function Documentation

◆ getFileType()

FileType GEOM_WOF::getFileType ( const std::string &  filename)
the file type ( FT_STL, FT_PLY, FT_XYZ, FT_BIN, FT_LIST, FT_UNKNOWN) based on the filename extension.

◆ readPly()

bool GEOM_WOF::readPly ( const char *  filename,
bool  bReadPoints,
std::vector< Point3 > &  vPointsOut 
filename[in] is the input filename
bReadPoints[in] Use true to get only the points of the *.ply file. Otherwise, when you are interested in the triangles then use false to get 3 subsequent corners per triangle.
vPointsOut[out] is used to return the points
true when the operation was successful or false otherwise
This function reads also colors whose ply properties are named 'red','green','blue' or alternatively 'r','g','b'. Alpha can be named 'alpha' or 'scalar_Intensity'. Values are stored as unsigned char i.e., 0-255 and are automatically scaled up if given in the range 0.0-1.0 or scaled down if >255.0.

◆ readPoints_ASCII()

bool GEOM_WOF::readPoints_ASCII ( const char *  filename,
std::vector< Point3 > &  vPoints 

Reads points from a simple ASCII file. Expected file format: Three coordinates (x y z) per line, whitespace separated.

filename[in] is the input filename
vPoints[out] is used to return the points
true [in] in case of success or false otherwise

◆ readPoints_auto()

bool GEOM_WOF::readPoints_auto ( std::string &  inFilename,
std::vector< Point3 > &  vPoints 

This function reads points from a *.ply-File (ASCII or binary), an *.xyz-File (ASCII, 3 coordinates per line), or a *.bin-File (simple binary format). The file type is automatically determined from the filename extension.

[in]inFilenameis the input filename
[out]vPointsis used to return the points
true in case of success, false otherwise
See also
In case of a *.ply file colors are also read, see readPly() for details on colors.

◆ readPoints_BIN()

bool GEOM_WOF::readPoints_BIN ( const char *  filename,
std::vector< Point3 > &  vPointsOut 
filename[in] is a binary input file
vPointsOut[out] is used to return the points
true in case of success or false otherwise
See also

◆ readSTL_ASCII()

bool GEOM_WOF::readSTL_ASCII ( const char *  filename,
std::vector< Point3 > &  vTriangleCorners 
filename[in] is the input filename
vTriangleCorners[out] is used to return three points per triangle
true when the operation was successful or false otherwise

◆ writeMesh_auto()

bool GEOM_WOF::writeMesh_auto ( const std::string &  filename,
std::shared_ptr< Mesh pMesh,
bool  bASCII 

This function writes a Mesh to file. Available formats are *.ply (ASCII or binary), *.stl (only ASCII) and Geomview-*.list (ASCII). The file type is automatically determined from the filename extension.

[in]filenameis the output filename
[in]pMeshis the mesh to be written
[in]bASCIIspecifies that ASCII mode shall be used when the file can be written in ASCII- or binary mode (as it is the case for *.ply)
true in case of success or false otherwise

◆ writePoints_ASCII()

bool GEOM_WOF::writePoints_ASCII ( const char *  filename,
const std::vector< Point3 > &  vPoints 

Writes points to an ASCII file, three coordinates (x y z) per line, whitespace separated.

Data exchange through ASCII files is easy and convenient but floating point coordinates are not necessarily exact when represented as decimal numbers and ASCII files are big compared to other formats. Thus writing binary files using writePoints_BIN() is recommended.
filename[in] is the output filename
vPoints[in] contains the points to be written
true when the operation was successful or false otherwise.

◆ writePoints_auto()

bool GEOM_WOF::writePoints_auto ( std::string &  outFilename,
std::vector< Point3 > &  vPoints,
bool  bASCII 

This function writes points to a *.ply-File, *.xyz-File (ASCII, 3 coordinates per line), or a *.bin-File (simple binary format). The file type is automatically determined from the filename extension.

[in]outFilenameis the output filename
[in]vPointscontains the points to be written
[in]bASCIIspecifies that ASCII mode shall be used when the file can be written in ASCII- or binary mode (as it is the case for *.ply)
true in case of success or false otherwise

◆ writePoints_BIN()

bool GEOM_WOF::writePoints_BIN ( const char *  filename,
std::vector< Point3 > &  vPoints 

Writes a binary file, the format is: (int,size_t,double,...,double)
Thereby the first int is always 30, the size_t value is vPoints.size() and the double precision values are x0,y0,z0,...,xn,yn,zn.

[in]filenameis the output filename
[in]vPointscontains the points to be written
true when the operation was successful or false otherwise
See also