Fade2.5D Documentation pages v2.15
Delaunay Features


void GEOM_FADE25D::edgesToPolygons (const std::vector< Edge2 > &vEdgesIn, std::vector< std::vector< Edge2 > > &vvPolygonsOut, std::vector< Edge2 > &vRemainingOut)
 Create polygons from a set of edges. More...
bool GEOM_FADE25D::fillHole (const std::vector< Point2 > &vMeshCorners, const std::vector< Segment2 > &vPolygonSegments, bool bWithRefine, bool bVerbose, std::vector< Point2 > &vCornersOut)
 Fill a hole in a 3D mesh with triangles (deprecated) More...
bool GEOM_FADE25D::fillHole (const std::vector< std::pair< Segment2, Vector2 > > &vPolygonSegments, bool bWithRefine, bool bVerbose, std::vector< Point2 > &vCornersOut)
 Fill a hole in a 3D mesh with triangles (deprecated) More...
bool GEOM_FADE25D::fillHole (Mesh3 *pMesh, const std::vector< Edge2 > &vPolygonEdges, bool bWithRefine, bool bVerbose, std::vector< Point2 > &vCornersOut)
 Fill a hole in a 3D mesh with triangles (deprecated) More...
double GEOM_FADE25D::getArea25D (const Point2 *p0, const Point2 *p1, const Point2 *p2)
 Get 2.5D area of a triangle. More...
double GEOM_FADE25D::getArea2D (const Point2 *p0, const Point2 *p1, const Point2 *p2)
 Get 2D area of a triangle. More...
void GEOM_FADE25D::getBorders (const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &vT, std::vector< Segment2 > &vBorderSegmentsOut)
 Get Borders. More...
void GEOM_FADE25D::getConnectedComponents (const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &vT, std::vector< std::vector< Triangle2 * > > &vvT)
 Get connected components. More...
void GEOM_FADE25D::getDirectedEdges (const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &vT, std::vector< Edge2 > &vDirectedEdgesOut)
 Get directed edges The directed edges of vT are returned in vDirectedEdgesOut. Directed means that each edge (a,b) with two adjacent triangles in vT is returned twice, as edge(a,b) and edge(b,a).
Vector2 GEOM_FADE25D::getNormalVector (const Point2 &p0, const Point2 &p1, const Point2 &p2, bool &bOK)
 Get normal vector. More...
Orientation2 GEOM_FADE25D::getOrientation2 (const Point2 *p0, const Point2 *p1, const Point2 *p2)
 Get the orientation of three points. More...
Orientation2 GEOM_FADE25D::getOrientation2_mt (const Point2 *p0, const Point2 *p1, const Point2 *p2)
 Get Orientation2 (MT) More...
void GEOM_FADE25D::getUndirectedEdges (const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &vT, std::vector< Edge2 > &vUndirectedEdgesOut)
 Get undirected edges. More...
bool GEOM_FADE25D::isSimplePolygon (std::vector< Segment2 > &vSegments)
 isSimplePolygon More...
void GEOM_FADE25D::pointsToPolyline (std::vector< Point2 > &vInPoints, bool bClose, std::vector< Segment2 > &vOutSegments)
 Points-to-Polyline. More...
bool GEOM_FADE25D::sortRing (std::vector< Segment2 > &vRing)
 Sort a vector of Segments. More...
bool GEOM_FADE25D::sortRingCCW (std::vector< Segment2 > &vRing)
 Sort a vector of Segments. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ edgesToPolygons()

void GEOM_FADE25D::edgesToPolygons ( const std::vector< Edge2 > &  vEdgesIn,
std::vector< std::vector< Edge2 > > &  vvPolygonsOut,
std::vector< Edge2 > &  vRemainingOut 

Create polygons from a set of edges.

A number of methods in Fade returns an unorganized set of edges that delimit a certain area. But sometimes it is more beneficial to have these edges organized as a set of one or more polygons. This is the purpose of the present method.

[in]vEdgesInis a vector of oriented edges
[out]vvPolygonsOutcontains one vector<Edge2> for each polygon found in the input data.
[out]vRemainingOutis used to return unusable remaining edges

The present function adds one vector<Edge2> to vvPolygonsOut for each polygon found in vEdgesIn. Each such polygon starts with the leftmost vertex (and when two or more vertices share the smallest x-coordiante then the one of them with the smallest y-coordinate is chosen). Edges that do not form a closed polygon are returned in vRemainingOut.

An Edge2 object represents an edge of a triangle. Triangle corners are always counterclockwise (CCW) oriented. Thus outer polygons are CCW-oriented while hole-polygons are CW-oriented, see the figure.
Polygons created by edgesToPolygons

◆ fillHole() [1/3]

bool GEOM_FADE25D::fillHole ( const std::vector< Point2 > &  vMeshCorners,
const std::vector< Segment2 > &  vPolygonSegments,
bool  bWithRefine,
bool  bVerbose,
std::vector< Point2 > &  vCornersOut 

Fill a hole in a 3D mesh with triangles (deprecated)

This function was experimental and is now deprecated because 3D point cloud meshing has been moved to the WOF library.

[in]vMeshCornersspecifies the input mesh, 3 points per triangle in counterclockwise order.
[in]vPolygonSegmentsare the edges of the closed polygon to be triangulated.
[in]bWithRefinespecifies if additional vertices shall be created (bWithRefine=true is experimental, don't use currently)
[in]bVerbosespecifies if warnings shall be printed to stdout
[out]vCornersOutcontains the created fill triangles, 3 corners per triangle, counterclockwise oriented.
This function is deprecated because all related functionality has been moved to the WOF project.

◆ fillHole() [2/3]

bool GEOM_FADE25D::fillHole ( const std::vector< std::pair< Segment2, Vector2 > > &  vPolygonSegments,
bool  bWithRefine,
bool  bVerbose,
std::vector< Point2 > &  vCornersOut 

Fill a hole in a 3D mesh with triangles (deprecated)

This function was experimental and is now deprecated because 3D point cloud meshing has been moved to the WOF library.

[in]vPolygonSegmentscontains the segments of a closed, simple input polygon along with normal vectors. The segments are counterclockwise oriented and ordered with respect to the surface to be created. Check twice, the orientation is very important. The normal vectors point in the direction of the thought surface at the segment i.e., if a hole is filled, the normal vector of an adjecent triangle is taken but if a T-joint is filled the normal vector should be the average normal of the two triangles at the edge.
[in]bWithRefinespecifies if additional vertices shall be created. (bWithRefine=true is experimental, don't use currently)
[in]bVerbosespecifies if warnings shall be printed to stdout
[out]vCornersOutcontains the created fill triangles, 3 corners per triangle, counterclockwise oriented.
This function is deprecated because all related functionality has been moved to the WOF project.

◆ fillHole() [3/3]

bool GEOM_FADE25D::fillHole ( Mesh3 *  pMesh,
const std::vector< Edge2 > &  vPolygonEdges,
bool  bWithRefine,
bool  bVerbose,
std::vector< Point2 > &  vCornersOut 

Fill a hole in a 3D mesh with triangles (deprecated)

This function was experimental and is now deprecated because 3D point cloud meshing has been moved to the WOF library.

[in]vPolygonEdgesare edges of the polygon to be triangulated. They must form a closed polygon in the mesh.
[in]bWithRefinespecifies if additional vertices shall be created (Note: bWithRefine=true is experimental, don't use currently)
[in]bVerbosespecifies if warnings shall be printed to stdout
[out]vCornersOutcontains the created fill triangles, 3 corners per triangle, counterclockwise oriented.
This function is deprecated because all related functionality has been moved to the WOF project.

◆ getArea25D()

double GEOM_FADE25D::getArea25D ( const Point2 p0,
const Point2 p1,
const Point2 p2 

Get 2.5D area of a triangle.

Returns the area of the triangle defined by the three input points p0, p1, p2.

[in]p0,p1,p2are the corners of the triangle

◆ getArea2D()

double GEOM_FADE25D::getArea2D ( const Point2 p0,
const Point2 p1,
const Point2 p2 

Get 2D area of a triangle.

Returns the 2D area of the triangle defined by the three input points p0, p1, p2.

The 2D area is returned i.e., the z-coordinate is ignored.
See also
[in]p0,p1,p2are the corners of the triangle

◆ getBorders()

void GEOM_FADE25D::getBorders ( const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &  vT,
std::vector< Segment2 > &  vBorderSegmentsOut 

Get Borders.

Computes the border of the triangles in vT. The border consists of all edges having only one adjacent triangle in vT.

[in]vTare the input triangles
[out]vBorderSegmentsOutis used to return all border segments

◆ getConnectedComponents()

void GEOM_FADE25D::getConnectedComponents ( const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &  vT,
std::vector< std::vector< Triangle2 * > > &  vvT 

Get connected components.

This function partitions the triangles of vT into connected components i.e., connected sets of triangles. A connection between two triangles exists when they share a common edge.

[in]vTInput triangles
[out]vvTOutput components

◆ getNormalVector()

Vector2 GEOM_FADE25D::getNormalVector ( const Point2 p0,
const Point2 p1,
const Point2 p2,
bool &  bOK 

Get normal vector.

Returns the normalized normal vector of the triangle defined by the three input points p0, p1, p2.

[in]p0,p1,p2When these points are counterclockwise (CCW) oriented then the resulting normal vector points towards the viewer.
[out]bOKreturns true for valid results. When the plane defined by p0, p1, p2 is degenerate, bOK returns false.

◆ getOrientation2()

Orientation2 GEOM_FADE25D::getOrientation2 ( const Point2 p0,
const Point2 p1,
const Point2 p2 

Get the orientation of three points.

This function returns the exact orientation of the points p0, p1, p2 Possible values are
ORIENTATION2_COLLINEAR if p0, p1, p2 are located on a line,
ORIENTATION2_CCW if p0, p1, p2 are counterclockwise oriented
ORIENTATION2_CW if p0, p1, p2 are clockwise oriented
Not thread-safe but a bit faster than the thread-safe version

◆ getOrientation2_mt()

Orientation2 GEOM_FADE25D::getOrientation2_mt ( const Point2 p0,
const Point2 p1,
const Point2 p2 

Get Orientation2 (MT)

See also
getOrientation2(const Point2* p0,const Point2* p1,const Point2* p2)

This version is thread-safe.

◆ getUndirectedEdges()

void GEOM_FADE25D::getUndirectedEdges ( const std::vector< Triangle2 * > &  vT,
std::vector< Edge2 > &  vUndirectedEdgesOut 

Get undirected edges.

The undirected edges of vT are returned vUndirectedEdgesOut.

◆ isSimplePolygon()

bool GEOM_FADE25D::isSimplePolygon ( std::vector< Segment2 > &  vSegments)


[in]vSegmentsspecifies segments to be checked. Degenerate segments (0-length) are ignored.
true if vSegments contains a closed polygon without selfintersections. False otherwise.

◆ pointsToPolyline()

void GEOM_FADE25D::pointsToPolyline ( std::vector< Point2 > &  vInPoints,
bool  bClose,
std::vector< Segment2 > &  vOutSegments 


Turns a vector of points (p0,p1,p2,...pm,pn) into a vector of segments ((p0,p1),(p1,p2),...,(pm,pn)). In case that bClose is true an additional segment (pn,p0) is constructed. Degenerate segments are ignored. Selfintersections of the polyline are not checked.

[in]bClosespecifies whether a closing segment shall be constructed
[out]vOutSegmentsis where the output segments are stored

◆ sortRing()

bool GEOM_FADE25D::sortRing ( std::vector< Segment2 > &  vRing)

Sort a vector of Segments.

The segments in vRing are reoriented and sorted such that subsequent segments join at the endpoints.

◆ sortRingCCW()

bool GEOM_FADE25D::sortRingCCW ( std::vector< Segment2 > &  vRing)

Sort a vector of Segments.

The segments in vRing are reoriented and sorted such that the resulting polygon is counterclockwise oriented and subsequent segments join at the endpoints.