CBbox2 | Bbox2 is an axis aligned 2D bounding box |
CCircle2 | Circle for visualization |
CColor | Color for visualization |
CCompPolygon | Connected component with boundary- and hole polygons |
CConstraintGraph2 | ConstraintGraph2 is a set of Constraint Edges (ConstraintSegment2) |
CConstraintSegment2 | A ConstraintSegment2 represents a Constraint Edge |
CEdge2 | Edge2 is a directed edge |
CFade_2D | Fade_2D is the Delaunay triangulation class |
CFadeExport | FadeExport is a simple struct to export triangulation data |
CFunc_gtEdge2D | Functor to sort edges by 2d length (descending) |
CFunc_ltEdge2D | Functor to sort edges by 2d length (ascending) |
CLabel | Label is a Text-Label for Visualization |
CMeshGenParams | Parameters for the mesh generator |
CMsgBase | MsgBase, a base class for message subscriber classes |
CPeelPredicateTS | User-defined peel predicate |
CPoint2 | Point |
CPShape | Polygonal Shape for Visualization |
CSegment2 | Segment |
CSegmentChecker | SegmentChecker identifies intersecting line segments |
CTriangle2 | Triangle |
CTriangleAroundVertexIterator | Iterator for all triangles around a given vertex |
CUserPredicateT | User-defined predicate (deprecated) |
CVector2 | Vector |
CVisualizer2 | Visualizer2 is a PDF- and Postscript writer |
CVoroCell2 | Voronoi cell |
CVoronoi2 | Voronoi diagram |
CVoroVertex2 | Voronoi vertex |
CVtkWriter | A writer for the VTK file format |
CVtxColor | |
CZone2 | Zone2 is a certain defined area of a triangulation |