Fade2.5D Documentation pages v2.16.7
Delaunay Features
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBbox2A 2D axis-aligned bounding box
 CCAF_ComponentCAF_Component represents a connected area of the surface
 CCircle2Circle class for visualization
 CCloudPrepareCloudPrepare simplifies dense point clouds and helps prevent memory usage peaks during data transfer
 CColorColor for visualization
 CCompPolygonConnected component of triangles with boundary and hole polygons
 CConstraintGraph2A constraint graph is a collection of constraint edges (ConstraintSegment2)
 CConstraintSegment2A ConstraintSegment2 represents a constraint edge between two vertices of a Delaunay triangulation
 CCutAndFillComputes the volume differences between two overlapping surfaces
 CEdge2Represents a directed edge in a triangulation
 CEfficientModelDeprecated class EfficientModel (use CloudPrepare instead)
 CFade_2DFade_2D is a class that contains a Delaunay triangulation
 CFadeExportFadeExport is a simple struct to export triangulation data
 CIsoContoursComputes intersections of planes with a set of triangles, generating iso-contours (profiles or slices) in 3D space
 CLabelRepresents a text label for visualization
 CMeshGenParamsParameters for the mesh generator
 CMsgBaseMsgBase, a base class for message subscriber classes
 CPeelPredicateTSUser-defined peel predicate
 CPoint2Represents a 2.5D point
 CPolygonClipperHandles polygon repair operations
 CPolygonTreeRepresents the possibly nested layers of a polygon as a hierarchical structure
 CPShapePolygonal Shape for Visualization
 CSegment2Represents a line segment between two points
 CSegmentCheckerIdentifies intersections between a collection of line segments
 CTriangle2Represents a triangle in a triangulation
 CTriangleAroundVertexIteratorIterator for all triangles around a given vertex
 CUserPredicateTUser-defined predicate (deprecated)
 CVertexPair2An edge consisting of two vertex pointers
 CVisualizer2A PDF and Postscript Writer for 2D Visualization
 CVisualizer3Visualizer3 is a 3D scene writer for the Geomview viewer
 CVoroCell2Voronoi cell
 CVoronoi2Voronoi diagram
 CVoroVertex2Voronoi vertex
 CVtkWriterA class for writing data to the VTK file format for visualization purposes
 CVtxColorStructure to store vertex color (RGBA)
 CZone2Represents a defined area within a triangulation