CBbox2 | A 2D axis-aligned bounding box |
CCAF_Component | CAF_Component represents a connected area of the surface |
CCircle2 | Circle class for visualization |
CCloudPrepare | CloudPrepare simplifies dense point clouds and helps prevent memory usage peaks during data transfer |
CColor | Color for visualization |
CCompPolygon | Connected component of triangles with boundary and hole polygons |
CConstraintGraph2 | A constraint graph is a collection of constraint edges (ConstraintSegment2) |
CConstraintSegment2 | A ConstraintSegment2 represents a constraint edge between two vertices of a Delaunay triangulation |
CCutAndFill | Computes the volume differences between two overlapping surfaces |
CEdge2 | Represents a directed edge in a triangulation |
CEfficientModel | Deprecated class EfficientModel (use CloudPrepare instead) |
CFade_2D | Fade_2D is a class that contains a Delaunay triangulation |
CFadeExport | FadeExport is a simple struct to export triangulation data |
CFunc_compareSegment | |
CIsoContours | Computes intersections of planes with a set of triangles, generating iso-contours (profiles or slices) in 3D space |
CLabel | Represents a text label for visualization |
CMeshGenParams | Parameters for the mesh generator |
CMsgBase | MsgBase, a base class for message subscriber classes |
CPeelPredicateTS | User-defined peel predicate |
CPoint2 | Represents a 2.5D point |
CPolygonClipper | Handles polygon repair operations |
CPolygonTree | Represents the possibly nested layers of a polygon as a hierarchical structure |
CPShape | Polygonal Shape for Visualization |
CSegment2 | Represents a line segment between two points |
CSegmentChecker | Identifies intersections between a collection of line segments |
CTriangle2 | Represents a triangle in a triangulation |
CTriangleAroundVertexIterator | Iterator for all triangles around a given vertex |
CUserPredicateT | User-defined predicate (deprecated) |
CVector2 | Vector |
CVertexPair2 | An edge consisting of two vertex pointers |
CVisualizer2 | A PDF and Postscript Writer for 2D Visualization |
CVisualizer3 | Visualizer3 is a 3D scene writer for the Geomview viewer |
CVoroCell2 | Voronoi cell |
CVoronoi2 | Voronoi diagram |
CVoroVertex2 | Voronoi vertex |
CVtkWriter | A class for writing data to the VTK file format for visualization purposes |
CVtxColor | Structure to store vertex color (RGBA) |
CZone2 | Represents a defined area within a triangulation |