std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Point3 &pnt) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, Point3 &pnt) |
double | sqDistance (const Point3 &p0, const Point3 &p1) |
| Get the squared distance between two points.
double | sqDistance (const Point3 *p0, const Point3 *p1) |
| Get the squared distance between two points.
double | distance (const Point3 &p0, const Point3 &p1) |
| Get the distance between two points.
Point3 | center (const Point3 &p0, const Point3 &p1) |
| Midpoint of p0 and p1.
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Vector3 &vec) |
Vector3 | crossProduct (const Vector3 &vec0, const Vector3 &vec1) |
| Cross product.
Vector3 | normalize (const Vector3 &other) |
| Normalize.
Vector3 | operator- (const Vector3 &in) |
Vector3 | operator* (double d, const Vector3 &vec) |
Vector3 | operator+ (const Vector3 &vec0, const Vector3 &vec1) |
Vector3 | operator- (const Vector3 &vec0, const Vector3 &vec1) |
int | getLicenseState () |
| Check the license state. More...
void | printLicense () |
| Print license details.
bool | isPure () |
| Check if pure or lm build.
bool | activateWof (const char *key, bool bSystemWide) |
| Activate WOF license. More...
bool | deactivateWof () |
| Deactivate WOF license. More...
bool | extendTrial (const char *key) |
| Extend Trial. More...
void | printVersion () |
| Print version number. More...
void | getVersion (int &versionMajor, int &versionMinor) |
| Get version numbers. More...
bool | isRelease () |
| Check if the present binary is a Release or Debug build. More...
MeshPtr | melt (std::vector< Point3 > &vInputCorners, double avgLength, double featureThresh=15.0) |
| Remesh (melt) a triangle mesh. More...
MeshPtr | reconstruct_auto (std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints, double sfactor, int numGrowSteps) |
| Reconstruct with an automatic spacing value. More...
MeshPtr | reconstruct_abs (std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints, double spacingAbs, int numGrowSteps) |
| Reconstruct with an absolute spacing value. More...
void | toCloud (std::vector< Point3 > &vCornersIn, double length, double featureThresh, std::vector< Point3 > &vCloudOut) |
| Mesh-to-Cloud. More...
void | edgeFlips (MeshPtr pMesh) |
| Flip edges. More...
void | edgeFlipsSimA (MeshPtr pMesh) |
| Flip edges - simulated annealing. More...
void | laplacianSmoothing (MeshPtr pMesh, int numIterations) |
| Laplacian smoothing. More...
int | reduce (MeshPtr pMesh, double targetLen=DBL_MAX, double maxDev=2.0) |
| Reduce. More...
void | autoOffset (std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints, double &xoff, double &yoff, double &zoff) |
| Automatic offset. More...
void | subscribe (ProgressBase *pProgressBase) |
| Subscribe to progress updates. More...
void | setGlobalNumCPU (int numCPU) |
| setGlobalNumCPU More...
int | getGlobalNumCPU () |
| getGlobalNumCPU More...
FileType | getFileType (const std::string &filename) |
| Get File Type. More...
bool | writePoints_ASCII (const char *filename, const std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints) |
| Write points to an ASCII file. More...
bool | writePoints_BIN (const char *filename, std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints) |
| Write points to a binary file. More...
bool | readPly (const char *filename, bool bReadPoints, std::vector< Point3 > &vPointsOut) |
| Write points to a *.ply file. More...
bool | writePointsPly (const std::string &filename, std::vector< GEOM_WOF::Point3 > &vPoints, bool bASCII) |
bool | readPoints_ASCII (const char *filename, std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints) |
| Read points from an ASCII file. More...
bool | readPoints_BIN (const char *filename, std::vector< Point3 > &vPointsOut) |
| Read points from a binary file. More...
bool | readSTL_ASCII (const char *filename, std::vector< Point3 > &vTriangleCorners) |
| Read a mesh from ASCII STL. More...
bool | readPoints_auto (std::string &inFilename, std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints) |
| Read points from a file (automatic detection) More...
bool | writePoints_auto (std::string &outFilename, std::vector< Point3 > &vPoints, bool bASCII) |
| Write points to a file. More...
bool | writeMesh_auto (const std::string &filename, std::shared_ptr< Mesh > pMesh, bool bASCII) |
| Write mesh to a file. More...
Namespace GEOM_WOF
Namespace of the WOF library