Practical Delaunay Meshing Examples

Merging Triangulations, Merging Point Clouds

In practice, we often encounter situations where two point clouds with different properties overlap and need to be combined, or where a triangulated object, such as a road, must be integrated into a terrain. These tasks require careful approaches for best possible results. This article discusses two practical solutions that you can adapt to your…Continue readingMerging Triangulations, Merging Point Clouds

Practical Delaunay Meshing Examples

I/O: Bridging your Software with Fade2D

Fade2D offers powerful triangulation functionalities, essential in fields like land surveying, mining, and road construction. This article provides an overview of the I/O operations engineers use in practice to bridge their software with the Fade2D library. We will discuss the individual I/O methods through a C++ example, that you can also find in the download…Continue readingI/O: Bridging your Software with Fade2D

Practical Delaunay Meshing Examples

Triangle Filtering: A Practical Solution in Land Survey Software

If you’re a software developer in land surveying, you understand the importance of processing large point clouds efficiently. You also know the critical role of triangle filtering to generate correct terrain representations. Automatically removing unwanted triangles while retaining the important ones is a crucial step in achieving this goal. In this article, we’ll explore a…Continue readingTriangle Filtering: A Practical Solution in Land Survey Software