2D Delaunay Triangulation Examples in C++

2D Delaunay Triangulation Benchmark – Example1

Fade2D is a powerful C++ Delaunay triangulation library known for its speed and robustness. In this benchmark, we explore its performance in triangulating varying point cloud sizes.

Performance and Settings

  • Fade2D features a “Fast Mode” for accelerated triangulation of raster points, particularly beneficial for grid-aligned points, where computationally expensive predicates are much more common compared to other scenarios. This mode significantly enhances raster data triangulation speed.
  • Fade2D offers multithreading support, enabling efficient utilization of multiple CPU cores. By default, Fade operates in single-threaded mode, which avoids nested multithreading in parallel applications. If you want multithreading, you can activate it explicitly using the free function setGlobalNumCPU(int numCPU)
  • Performance scales almost linearly with point cloud size, with an upper bound of O(n*log(n)).

Benchmark Code

// * Init *   
std::vector<std::pair<std::string,int> > vNumPoints;
vNumPoints.push_back(make_pair("numPoints: 1k",1000));
vNumPoints.push_back(make_pair("numPoints: 50k",50000));
vNumPoints.push_back(make_pair("numPoints: 100k",100000));
vNumPoints.push_back(make_pair("numPoints: 500k",500000));
vNumPoints.push_back(make_pair("numPoints: 1 mio",1000000));
vNumPoints.push_back(make_pair("numPoints: 10 mio",10000000));
//vNumPoints.push_back(make_pair("numPoints: 50 mio (10.7 GB)",50000000));
//vNumPoints.push_back(make_pair("numPoints: 100 mio (21.3 GB)",100000000));
//vNumPoints.push_back(make_pair("numPoints: 250 mio (53 GB)",250000000));
//vNumPoints.push_back(make_pair("numPoints: 500 mio (109 GB)",500000000)); 

// * Test *
for(size_t i=0;i<vNumPoints.size();++i)
  std::string label(vNumPoints[i].first);
  int numPoints(vNumPoints[i].second);

  // * Step 1 *   Create a Fade object, make performance settings
  Fade_2D dt;
  dt.setFastMode(false); // Use 'true' for raster points (performance!)
  int numUsedCPU=setGlobalNumCPU(0); // 0 means: autodetect

  // * Step 2 *   Prepare a vector of random points
  vector<Point2> vInPoints;

  // * Step 3 *   Measure the triangulation time
  cout<<"\n"<<label<<": start"<<endl;
  double elapsed=dt.measureTriangulationTime(vInPoints);
  cout<<"Elapsed time (cores: "<<numUsedCPU<<"): "<<elapsed<<endl<<endl;
  • Step 1: Create an empty Fade_2D object and configure two important performance settings:
    • Fade_2D::setFastMode(bool b) enables or disables a triangulation mode that significantly speeds up the triangulation of raster points.
    • setGlobalNumCPU(int numCPU) sets the number of CPU cores to be used. The special value numCPU=0 means autodetection and utilization of the available cores.
  • Step 2: Prepare a vector of random points
  • Step 3: Insert the points and measure the triangulation time.

Benchmarking Single- and Multithreaded Delaunay Triangulation

In this section, we take a closer look at benchmarking Fade2D’s performance, both in single-threaded and multithreaded scenarios. The benchmark results presented below showcase Fade2D’s remarkable speed and scalability.

Delaunay triangulation benchmark results for up to 250 million points, singlethreaded and multithreaded
Benchmark results: Delaunay triangulation of up to 250 million input points, singlethreaded and multithreaded. The speedup on a Corei7 6800K cpu with 6 cores is 4.39.

We tested Fade2D’s capabilities with varying point cloud sizes, ranging up to an impressive 250 million points. This translates to a staggering 500 million output triangles. The results show a remarkable almost linear relationship with the point cloud’s size, with an upper bound on the algorithm’s runtime being O(n*log(n)). On a 6-core CPU, multithreading delivers an impressive speedup of 4.39.

Raspberry PI – Still Impressive Performance

Fade2D isn’t just limited to high-end systems; it runs also on resource-efficient platforms like the Raspberry Pi which features a 32-bit ARM Cortex-A7 CPU and operates on a mere 3 watts of power, Fade2D demonstrated its capabilities by triangulating one million points (resulting in 2 million triangles) in just 7 seconds.

Fade on Raspberry PI

Getting accurate Benchmark Results

  • Compile the benchmark as a x64 application in Release mode for better performance and because 32-bit applications suffer from the (MSVC 32-bit) 2GB memory limit.
  • Run the test directly from the command prompt rather than within an IDE’s debug window.
  • Ensure your system has sufficient RAM for the benchmark. On 64-bit systems, you’ll need 212 MB per million points, equivalent to 2 million triangles.
  • Prevent cpu throttling by disabling energy-saving features during the test. Under Linux, use the Performance Governor and if you’re using a laptop, ensure it’s connected to a power source.
  • Note that while Fade continues to support older environments like VS2010 and CentOS6.4, multithreading is disabled in those cases.

The next article Example2 – Traversing teaches you the important basics you need to access specific elements in a triangulation.

2 replies on “2D Delaunay Triangulation Benchmark – Example1”

Making Fade2D even faster would be nice. But it would also add dependencies and thereby worsen the usability and compatiblity. Another thought is that Fade2D creates already ~15 mio. triangles per second (on recent hardware) and I think only very few projects have so much data that they require a new algorithm.

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