
One Click: Multipart CAD to 3D Mesh, Martin Schifko, Hans Steiner, Bernhard Kornberger, SAE 2016 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan

Automatic CAD Data Preparation for CAE, Martin Schifko, Bernhard Kornberger, Daniela Fellhofer, Hans Steiner, SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition, Detroit, Michigan

Parallelizing a CAD Model Processing Tool from the Automotive Industry, Luis Ayuso, Herbert Jordan, Thomas Fahringer, Bernhard Kornberger, Martin Schifko, Bernhard Höckner, Stefan Moosbrugger, and Kevin Verma APCI&E 2014 – Porto, Portugal

Enhanced Dip Paint Simulation at the very first milestone of car development, M. Schifko, Xinghua Song, Kazumasa Kato, Bernhard Kornberger. 2013 JSAE Annual Congress Spring, Yokohama.

Industrial Application of Exact Boolean Operations for Meshes, M. Schifko, B. Juettler, B. Kornberger. 2010. 26th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, Bratislava.

Algorithms for 3D Objects using Unions of Balls, Bernhard Kornberger. 2010. Ph. D. thesis, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, TU Graz, Austria.

Recovering Structure from r-Sampled Objects, O. Aichholzer, F. Aurenhammer, B. Kornberger, S. Plantinga, G. Rote, A. Sturm, G. Vegter. 2009. Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing, special issue of Computer Graphics Forum 28(5), pages 1349–1360. Berlin, Germany.

Seed Polytopes for Incremental Approximation, O. Aichholzer, F. Aurenhammer, T. Hackl, B. Kornberger, S. Plantinga, G. Rote, A. Sturm, G. Vegter. 2008. Proc. 24th European Workshop on Computational Geometry EuroCG ’08, pages 13–16. Nancy, France.

Approximating Boundary-Triangulated Objects with Balls, O. Aichholzer, F. Aurenhammer, T. Hackl, B. Kornberger, M. Peternell, H. Pottmann. 2007. Proc. 23rd European Workshop on Computational Geometry EuroCG ’07, pages 130–133. Graz, Austria.

Distributed Computing for Problems from Combinatorial Geometry, Bernhard Kornberger. 2005. Master’s thesis, Institute for Software Technology, TU Graz, Austria.

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