The Segment Checker computes intersections of 2D or 2.5D line segments. But in contrast to 3D two line segments are considered to intersect when their 2D projections in the xy-plane intersect. In other words, even if the involved segments are at different heights. The Segment Checker is fast and robust against degenerate and glancing intersections.
C++ Example: Segment Intersections
Let’s go through the below source code:
- Firstly, create 500 random line segments
- Secondly, create a SegmentChecker and determine just the intersecting segments
- Then draw the intersections
- To demonstrate select just one intersecting segment
- Afterards determine for
the overlapping segments with theirSegmentIntersectionType
. The possible values are listed in the table further below. - Finally print for any intersecting segment
the intersection. This intersection may be a point or a segment, for instance. However, the segments might be located at different elevations. As a result the intersection might also consist of two points or two segments.
// d0: segmentChecker int segmentChecker_main() { std::cout<<gRed("\n\n\n+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++")<<std::endl; std::cout<<"\n\n* Fade2.5D Demo - Segment Checker\n"<<std::endl; // * 1 * Create random segments: vector<Segment2*> vRndSeg; for(size_t i=0;i<500;++i) { Point2 p0(rnd(100),rnd(100),rnd(20)); Point2 p1(rnd(100),rnd(100),rnd(20)); vRndSeg.push_back(new Segment2(p0,p1)); } // * 2 * Find all intersecting segments SegmentChecker segChecker(vRndSeg); std::vector<Segment2*> vIntersectingSeg; segChecker.getIllegalSegments(false,vIntersectingSeg); cout<<"Intersecting segments: "<<vIntersectingSeg.size()<<endl; // * 3 * Draw the intersections segChecker.showIllegalSegments(false,""); if(vIntersectingSeg.empty()) return 0; // * 4 * Demonstrate just for one intersecting segment // how to analyze its intersections Segment2* pSeg(vIntersectingSeg[0]); cout<<"\nAnalyzing segment no. "<<segChecker.getIndex(pSeg)<<": "<<endl; // * 5 * Get the intersectors of pSeg std::vector<std::pair< Segment2*,SegmentIntersectionType> > vIntersectors; segChecker.getIntersectors(pSeg,false,vIntersectors); // * 6 * Iterate over the intersectors of pSeg: for(size_t j=0;j<vIntersectors.size();++j) { // a: The intersector and the intersection type Segment2* pOtherSeg(vIntersectors[j].first); SegmentIntersectionType sit(vIntersectors[j].second); cout<<" Conflicting segment no. "<<segChecker.getIndex(pOtherSeg)<<"\t type="<<segChecker.getIntersectionTypeString(sit)<<endl; // b: Depending on the segment intersection type (sit): switch(sit) { case SIT_ENDPOINT: case SIT_POINT: { // Two segments can intersect at two different z values, thus two intersection points Point2 isp0,isp1; segChecker.getIntersectionPoint(sit,*pSeg,*pOtherSeg,isp0,isp1); cout<<" intersection point on segment "<<segChecker.getIndex(pSeg)<<": "<<isp0<<endl; cout<<" intersection point on segment "<<segChecker.getIndex(pOtherSeg)<<": "<<isp1<<endl; break; } case SIT_SEGMENT: { // Same for a collinear intersection, there may be two segments at different heights Segment2 iss0,iss1; segChecker.getIntersectionSegment(*pSeg,*pOtherSeg,iss0,iss1); cout<<" intersection segment on segment "<<segChecker.getIndex(pSeg)<<": "<<iss0<<endl; cout<<" intersection segment on segment "<<segChecker.getIndex(pOtherSeg)<<": "<<iss1<<endl; break; } case SIT_NONE: // Never reached { cout<<" no intersection, impossible case"<<endl; break; } default: // Never reached { cout<<" uninitialized, impossible case"<<endl; } } } cout<<"\n\nEND\n------------------------------"<<endl; return 0; }
SIT_UNINITIALIZED | Invalid value |
SIT_NONE | No intersection |
SIT_SEGMENT | The intersection is a segment (collinear intersection) |
SIT_POINT | The intersection is a single point differnt from the endpoints |
SIT_ENDPOINT | The two segments only share a common endpoint |
Analyzing segment no. 0:
Conflicting segment no. 378 type=SIT_POINT
intersection point on segment 0: Point2: -62.7844, 69.3294, 0
intersection point on segment 378: Point2: -62.7844, 69.3294, 0
Conflicting segment no. 323 type=SIT_POINT
intersection point on segment 0: Point2: -74.9106, 72.646, 0
intersection point on segment 323: Point2: -74.9106, 72.646, 0
And so on…. (output truncated)