2D Delaunay Triangulation Examples in C++

Constraint Edges – Example3

When you perform a triangulation using only the vertices of a polygon, there’s no guarantee that the resulting Delaunay triangulation will contain the original polygon’s edges. However, don’t worry; you can enforce edges in a triangulation. In the example below, we demonstrate the insertion of constraint edges into a 2D triangulation. Similarly, you can insert…Continue readingConstraint Edges – Example3

2.5D Delaunay Triangulation Examples in C++

Breaklines, ISO Contours and the Cookie Cutter

In the field of land surveying constraint edges are maybe better known as “breaklines”. Similarly to the 2D case you can insert them into the triangle mesh, forcing segment subdivision or not. In addition you can insert a segment with its original height or you can adjust its height to the triangulation. This results in…Continue readingBreaklines, ISO Contours and the Cookie Cutter